Special Educational Needs
The Thomas Lord Audley School is committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all our students whatever their needs or abilities. At TLA we endeavour to develop positive learning environments and excellent relationships with all of our students. We believe that our young people are more likely to be successful if they work within a secure environment that supports them and allows them to grow and develop. TLA is committed to narrowing the attainment gap between SEN and non-SEN students through a variety of evidence based interventions.
Students with special educational needs (SEND) benefit from a range of intervention programmes and receive additional support from teaching and support staff both in normal lessons and in the Learning Academy.
SEND Information Report: Click here
Key Staff of The Learning Academy
The School has two SENCOs:
Mrs Amy Finbow-Jeffery (Assistant Headteacher and KS4 SENCO)
Miss Luella Murray (Senior Leader and KS3 SENCO)
Miss Samantha Mann (Assistant SENCO)
Secretary to SENCOs is Mrs Linda Burmby
The Special Educational Needs Team is comprised of those listed below, along with an extended team of LSAs who are deployed throughout the school to assist our students:
Miss Katie Morris (Access Arrangements Coordinator)
Miss Stacey Goodyear (LSA with responsibility for SEMH & Thrive)
Miss Lana Heath (LSA with responsibility for Cognition & Learning)
Miss Sara Wilson (LSA with responsibility for Communication & Interaction)
Who to contact
Should you have any issues, or if you wish to provide feedback about SEND provision, please feel free to contact either Mrs Amy Finbow-Jeffery (Assistant Headteacher, KS4 SENCO) or Miss Luella Murray (Senior Leader, KS3 SENCO) in the first instance as we prefer to intervene early to solve any issues for our young people. However, if you have any issues that you would prefer to have dealt with through a formal process, please refer to the school’s Complaint Policy – which is available on the school’s website – sets out clearly what the steps are to draw these concerns to the school’s attention.
Useful Contacts:
Essex SENDIASS (SEND Information, Advice and Support Services) – (Formally Essex Parent Partnership Service): 0333 013 8913 or email send.iass@essex.gov.uk
Families in Focus: helpline@familiesinfocusessex.org.uk
Essex Local Education Authority: 0845 603 2200
Please view the Essex “Local Offer” for additional services offered by the LEA. This can be found on the essex.gov website – Essex Local Offer