Pupil Premium Strategy & Spend
The Pupil Premium Grant is funding allocated to children from low-income families who are currently known to be eligible for Free School Meals in both mainstream and non-mainstream settings and children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months. The purpose of the Pupil Premium is to help support those students from low income families to ensure that they make progress at an equal rate to their peers.
How much money does the school receive?
The school currently receives £1035 per eligible child for the academic year 2023/24.
In addition to this the school receives £335 for any student who has a parent(s) in the armed forces.
Current PPG Strategy Document (2023-2026): Click here
PPG Strategy Document (2022-2025): Click here
PPG Funding Review 2021-2024: Click here
PPG Funding Review 2019-2020: Click here
PPG Funding Review 2018-2019: Click here
Catch Up Premium Strategy & Spend
The Department for Education (DfE) has announced £1 billion of funding (the Covid catch-up premium) to support children and young people to catch up lost time after school closure.
Schools should use this funding for specific activities to support their pupils to catch up for lost teaching over the previous months, in line with the curriculum expectations for the next academic year in actions for schools during the coronavirus outbreak.
While schools can use their funding in a way that suits their cohort and circumstances, they are expected to use this funding for specific activities which will help pupils catch up on missed education.
How much money does the school receive?
£80 for each pupil aged 4 and over recorded in reception to year group 11 in the October 2020 school census
£240 for each pupil in SEN units in mainstream schools as recorded on the 2020 to 2021 authority proforma tool (APT)
Catch Up Funding Review 2020-2021: Click here
Catch Up Funding Review 2019-2020: Click here
Please note from 2022 this funding stream was reported jointly with the Pupil Premium funding above.