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Extra Curricular

Students have a range of opportunities at Thomas Lord Audley to participate in which include:


Trash Band




Food Technology:

Cooking Club



Debating Club


Computer Science and Media:
Retro Games Club

Photography Club


Various Sports



VEX Club

Music Lessons


TLA is able to offer students with an interest in Music instrumental lessons a specialist Music teacher from Essex Music Services.  These lessons are on a one to one basis, take place during the school day and last for 15 minutes each week. (You can, of course, double the payment for 30 minute lessons.)


If you would like your child to attend music lessons then you must register them through Essex Music Services online.  You only need to do this once and it is a quick and simple process.  This enables Essex Music Services and schools to work effectively together to allocate students to the teachers that visit the schools.


The current price for lessons per term is £85.50 for 10 lessons.


OR if you are in receipt of Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income Support, or Working Tax/Child Tax Credit then you can apply for tuition vouchers.  You will need to do this online through the Essex Music Services website.  The cost for these reduced price lessons is £29.07.  Please note that if you currently have a voucher then you will need to re-apply for September.

Please register your child at: 


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